Agent Settings

CloudAgent provides a set of agent settings to provide the administrators with the tools to configure and manage the contact center effectively. These agent settings allow administrators to customize various aspects of the system, and define user roles and permissions for the agents.

Accessing the settings

  • Login to the CloudAgent as an Admin
  • Click on the Agent Settings under Settings in the Admin tab as shown below

Key Settings

Below are the settings available and their descriptions

Customer Information Display On CallWhen using Progressive or Preview dialers, agents will have access to customer information uploaded by the admin in the dialer.
Agent Force Logoff AlertThis setting notifies agents when they are forcefully logged off by the admin from the admin dashboard.
Agent Force Release AlertThis setting notifies agents when they are forcefully released by the admin from the admin dashboard.
Agent Call AlertAgents receive notifications when a call is being initiated on their screen.
Callback AlertIf the agent has set a manual call back, chrome notification shows an alert 5 minutes before the callback.
Parameter to send Agent IDProduct will pass agent details during the "Screenpop" hit when a call is triggered. This is used if CRM needs to get a few parameters from the contact center to the CRM application so that CRM will use these parameters directly for its internal use.
Parameter to send Agent KeyUsed in screen pop URL based on setting “Send Custom Params in CRM”
parameter to send UsernameUsed in screen pop URL based on setting “Send Custom Params in CRM”
parameter to send the agent logged in Phone NumberUsed in screen pop URL based on setting “Send Custom Params in CRM”
Send Custom Params in CRMThis is checkmarked for the above fields to enable to CRM.
Send SmsThis setting enables SMS functionality on the agent toolbar.
sms url If the customer procures SMS API from us, these are used to configure the application URL.  
Format: Get Request,{0}&api_key=KKxxxx&message={1}&from=+15xxxxxx
check If Number BlockedCan block the numbers for any incoming calls to DID. This helps to check internally if the number is blocked.
Hide customer phone no. in agent toolbar.This setting hides the customer number on the agent screen during the call.
Group DispositionsDisplay the disposition on the agent screen with one drop-down. Ex: SalesEnquiry; Salescall etc.., If Agent clicks on Sales, it shows Enquiry & Call in drop down. This is just for viewing purposes. In reports, it comes in a single column. There is no separate column.
Agent to Keep AliveAgents remain active upon reconnecting to the internet.
Agent force release by himself.An agent can release himself from his toolbar -- Top right corner, dropdown on agent's ID --> agent can view the "Force Release" button.
ScreenPop Send callerId param onlyThis is used to send only "Caller number" to CRM Application when a call is initiated Contact center hits to Screenpop URL, which is configured in a Campaign.
Drop me delay time"DropMe" button can be delayed to display on Agent screen when a call is answered by the Agent.
Agent login allowed IPsAdministrator can decide if they want to restrict agent login locations to specific static IPs only
Inbound Call Queue AlertIf an Incoming call is in Queue, an alert is sent to Agent who are in different mode. (Busy mode etc..,)
Disposition HideDisposition can be hidden on the agent toolbar when a call is successfully connected on his screen.
Enable IVR transfer to agent.This option enables IVR transfer on Agent side
Transfer Skill URLCustomized skill transfer URL
Auto release agent after pause time exceedsAgents will be force released to ready state if this feature is enabled. It will work only if time limit is set for the pause reasons.
Allow agent to change passwordThis enables agents to change passwords for their logins.
Allow Transfer in Progressive/PredictiveThis enables the transfer feature in auto dialers
Agent Desktop AlertsThis is helpful for agents on windows OS
Agent to Enable or Disable Transfer Call RecordingIf enabled the agent can record the call when there is a transfer
Enable agent scriptWhile the admin might have given the script in campaigns, unless this checkbox is enabled, agent will not see the script in his agent login
Customer Call Record Enable or DisableThis checkbox enables the agent to stop or start the audio recording while on a call with customer. This helps meet PCI compliance so agent can stop recording when collecting credit card information from customers.
MultiLevel DispositionEnables agents select 2 levels of dispositions while in ACW instead of 1 dropdown. This reduces agent productivity though, so use this feature sparingly.
Skip Preview NumberThis setting enables either to skip or dial the number in the Preview dialer.
Dont Close ScreenPopIf screenpop is opening in a new window, then enabling this feature won’t close it after call completion so the agent can continue his activity on call.
Close Preview NumberThis setting enables either to close or dial the number in the Preview dialer.
Close Preview Number DispositionsDisposition reason for Close preview number.
Enable Virtual KeyBoardThis setting enables a virtual keyboard for chat.
Chat Auto AnswerAgent can decide on accepting the chat.
Hide Audio in toolbar call historyCustomer can choose if the agent can view the audio link on call history on agent panel.
Allow WhatsApp outboundIf enabled Agents can send outbound messages through WhatsApp
WhatsApp URLConfiguring WhatsApp to send outbound messages
Smart ReplyIf enabled agents can choose chat templates (predefined text messages)
Toolbar CallerID international formatCaller ID will be in international format.
Allow Skill Transfer on Agent PanelThis option enables Skill transfer on Agent panel.
Allow Phone Transfer on Agent PanelThis option enables phone transfer on Agent panel.
Allow Agent Transfer on Agent PanelThis option enables agent transfer.
Agent toolbar Default tabCustomers can choose the default tab for the agent panel.
DashboardAgents can see a live dashboard with call status and agent status if enabled
Auto Logout on Pause TimeoutAgent will be logged out from the toolbar with the time configured
Auto logout IDLE agent in MinsSpecify the time duration, in minutes, to automatically log out the agent once their idle time limit is reached. Set the time as 0 or -1 to disable this setting and allow unlimited idle time.
Auto logout PAUSED agent in MinsSpecify the time duration, in minutes, to automatically log out the agent once the configured pause time is reached. Set the time as 0 or -1 to disable this setting and allow unlimited pause time.
Agent Screen Recording by UCID This setting enables to recording the agents' screens for all the connected calls handled by the agent (by UCID)
Sms DIDs ListWith this setting, the Super Admin can configure the DIDs and their corresponding vendors. Agents can then choose the DID from which SMS messages should be sent using the agent toolbar. (Please note that this feature is currently not applicable to customers in India).
Logout the toolbar on tab refreshIf enabled - On refreshing the browser tab, the agent will see a confirmation pop-up. Once confirmed, the agent will be logged out.
If disabled - On refreshing the browser tab, the agent will see a confirmation pop-up. Once confirmed, the toolbar will simply refresh without logging the agent out.
Hide Performance tab top performanceIf enabled - Hides the "Top Performance" widget from the Performance tab in the agent toolbar
Hide Performance tab Interaction statusIf enabled - Hides the "Interaction status" widget from the Performance tab in the agent toolbar
Hide Performance tab Pause ReasonsIf enabled - Hides the "Pause Reasons" widget from the Performance tab in the agent toolbar
Hide Performance tab First login detailsIf enabled - Hides the "First login details" widget from the Performance tab in the agent toolbar
Hide Performance tab Agent detailsIf enabled - Hides the "Agent details" widget from the Performance tab in the agent toolbar
hide dashboard tab agents statusIf enabled - Hides the "Agent status" widget from the Dashboard tab in the agent toolbar
hide dashboard tab queue listIf enabled - Hides the "Queue List" widget from the Dashboard tab in the agent toolbar
hide dashboard tab agents listIf enabled - Hides the "Agent List" widget from the Dashboard tab in the agent toolbar
Agent rephrase replyWhen enabled, agents can access enhanced or rephrased replies directly through a button on the message composer during conversations. See how this looks on the Agent toobar, Enhance your replies
Disposition Suggestions and SummaryWhen enabled, agents receive suggested dispositions while wrapping up chat conversations. Additionally, a summary is provided, which can be easily edited or copied directly for convenience.