Understanding Agent Interface
In this section, we'll explore the agent interface, understanding its elements and functionalities to enhance your performance.
Primary options

Status Update: When logging in, your status defaults to 'Not Ready'. Click the 'Not Ready' button again to switch to the 'Ready' state.
SMS: Send texts to customers when needed.
Notifications: View admin chat broadcast messages for emergency notifications.
Agent Actions: Force Ready / Refresh / Change Password / Logout.
Minimize the toolbar: Agents can conveniently minimize the toolbar using the toggle arrow button, particularly beneficial when accessing it through the CRM interface.
Minimize the call controls: Agents can optimize screen space by minimizing call controls. The option to minimize these controls will dynamically appear based on the agent's screen size. Refer to the following image for the buttons enabling minimization and expansion.
SIP Icon Status
- RED Icon:
- Status: SIP is disconnected.
- Action: You can click the icon to attempt reconnection
- BLUE Icon:
- Status: SIP connection is active.
- Action: The icon is disabled and cannot be clicked as the SIP is already connected.
- RED Icon:
Agent Modes
Agents can choose the following handling modes for communication:

- Inbound: Handle incoming calls and emails.
- Manual: Make manual outgoing calls.
- Progressive: Manage Auto dialer calls (Progressive type).
- Preview: Handle Preview dialer calls.
- Digital: Manage digital channels (Webchat, Inbound SMS/Texting, WhatsApp, Social Media).
- Blended: Handle any of the above channels all in one mode.
Audio Settings
Agents can adjust their audio device settings directly from the toolbar, accessible during SIP login. To select any connected audio devices, agents must grant microphone permissions. The available options include:
- Ringer
- Call Connect Notification
- Call Audio

Updated 5 days ago