Call Details Report
The Call Details report offers a comprehensive view of each call's metrics, including duration, campaign name, dynamic DID number, and more. It's intended for supervisors to track agent performance in the contact center. Generating the report allows supervisors to get a clearer picture of agent performance on calls and find ways to improve.
Utilize the search field at the top for quick access to specific data. You have the option to search using:
- Default View
- Caller ID
- Call ID
- UUI (Note: A maximum of 500 characters can be searched)
- Detailed View
- Call ID
- Caller ID
- UUI (Note: A maximum of 500 characters can be searched)
Utilize the Date filter located next to the Search button to refine your data. You can filter data for:
- Today (Specify the From time and To time for more precise filtering)
- Last 3 Days
Utilize the Filter option to refine your data. You can filter data by the following criteria:
- Agent Name
- Campaign Name
- Location
- Phone Name
- Skill
- Transfered
- Call Event
- Call Type
- Status

No information will automatically flow into the UUI column of the CDR Report by default i.e., there is no condition by default due to which information is pushed into the UUI field. Unless customers make use of some variables in the IVR to show up in the UUI column of the CDR Report based on the need.

You as an admin will be able to see the ‘Hold Duration’ parameter in the CDR to have a clear understanding of the call information. The Hold Duration parameter is the consolidated time for multiple hold times from multiple agents during the call duration for each call.

Admins can give ratings and add comments for calls within the detailed view of the live reports page. However, it's important to note that in the default view tab, users can only view ratings and comments without the option to edit them.

Updated about 1 month ago