What information is required to implement SSO integration with CloudAgent?
This articles focuses on helping customers understand the necessary pre-requisites for the implementation of SSO integration with CloudAgent
SSO Integration with SAML Authentication
Below is the information provided from Ozonetel
- Entity ID - ozonetel
- Domestic instance (Indian customers only)
- https://in1-ccaas-admin.ozonetel.com:443/saml/SSO (Admin Portal)
- https://in1-ccaas-monitor.ozonetel.com:443/saml/SSO (Dashboard Portal)
- https://agent.in-ccaas.ozonetel.com:443/saml/SSO (Agent Toolbar)
- https://sso-in1-ccaas-reportsv2.ozonetel.com/saml/SSO (Reporting Portal)
- US instance (outside of India)
- https://admin.ccaas.ozonetel.com:443/saml/SSO (Admin Portal)
- https://monitor.ccaas.ozonetel.com:443/saml/SSO (Dashboard Portal)
- <https://agent.ccaas.ozonetel.com:443/AgentPortal/saml/SSO> (Agent Toolbar)
- https://sso.ccaas.ozonetel.com/saml/SSO (Reporting Portal)
- Domestic instance (Indian customers only)
- Ozonetel Portal Logins
- Domestic instance (Indian customers only)
- https://in1-ccaas-admin.ozonetel.com/sso_login.jsp (Admin Portal)
- https://in1-ccaas-monitor.ozonetel.com/sso_login.jsp (Dashboard)
- https://in-ccaas.ozonetel.com/toolbar_widget/sso.html#dashboard-agent (Agent Toolbar)
- https://sso-in1-ccaas-reportsv2.ozonetel.com (Reporting)
- US instance (outside of India)
- https://admin.ccaas.ozonetel.com/sso_login.jsp (Admin Portal)
- https://monitor.ccaas.ozonetel.com/sso_login.jsp (Dashboard Portal)
- https://agent.ccaas.ozonetel.com/toolbar_widget/sso.html#dashboard-agent (Agent Toolbar)
- https://sso.ccaas.ozonetel.com (Reporting Portal)
- Domestic instance (Indian customers only)
For the implementation, Ozonetel will need the metadata file from the customer.
G-Suite does not allow whitelisting of multiple portals. In such cases, the current SSO implementation will include only ONE of the portals based on the customer requirement.
Updated 7 days ago