Admin Settings

Admin Settings Documentation


The Admin Settings section deals with different configurations that administrators can manage. This involves Account-level settings, General settings accessible to account-level administrators or supervisors, and Integration settings.

Accessing the Settings

Here's how you can reach the admin settings page:

  1. Login to the CloudAgent as an Admin
  2. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Admin settings
Admin Settings Navigation

Account Settings

Edit User

This section allows you to modify or update your account profile, including:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • Website
  • API key
  • Phone Number

System Settings

  1. Display CRM options:
    • Embed: Shows the Screen Pop inside a frame on the same page
    • Pop-up: Opens the Screen Pop in a new window
    • Open in New Tab: Opens the Screen Pop in a new tab (Available on &
  2. Callback URL: Modify or add the callback URL

General Settings

This section provides administrators with control and management capabilities for their account. Below are the detailed settings:

EMAIL_ALERTSEnabling this option will trigger email alerts for administrators
Callback hit triesCallback hit attempts to establish connections when sending 'Call details' back to the CRM
Authentication Token for PluginUsed for ZOHO integration
Send Callback immediatelyEnables instant sending of 'call details' without 'Disposition'
Sync toolbar if reconnection occursHelps restore agent status after internet reconnection
Agent Login limit checkSets maximum number of concurrent agent logins
PRI threshold PercentageDetermines PRI report generation threshold
Allow agent toolbar refreshEnables agent toolbar refresh capability
Custom Recording URLAllows custom URL for recording storage
Play Ring on Transfer or ConferenceProvides audio feedback for call transfers
Machine detection checkEnables AMD detection for Autodialers
BargeIn TypeOptions: SIP (automatic WebRTC) or Normal (manual number entry)
Contact Manager Field CountSets maximum fields in contact manager
Authorise data accessControls data access permissions
Play disclaimer on manual callPlays pre-defined disclaimer audio on manual calls
WhatsApp DIDsList of WhatsApp DIDs for the account
Agent Creation LimitRestricts number of creatable agents
Allowed IPs for APIsWhitelist of IPs allowed to access CloudAgent APIs
Sub User Creation LimitControls sub-admin creation (-1 for unlimited)
Phone Number Creation LimitRestricts offline agent numbers
Allow internal Calling for AgentEnables agent-to-agent calls
Dynamic DID for CampaignEnables dynamic DID functionality
Exception Calls Allowed per AgentSets consecutive unanswered calls limit
Outbound Dialing rule OnControls dialing limits (None/Account/Campaign)
Max outbound dialing countSets maximum outbound attempts per number
Reporting CDR date range to 60 daysExtends CDR filtering range
Allow Regular Login for SSOEnables username/password fallback for SSO
Call Disposition Comment PreferenceSets comment requirement (Mandatory/Optional)
Show Customer Number from Last N numbersControls customer number display length

Integration Settings

FreshSales Settings

  1. FreshSales Truncate Caller ID
  2. Freshsales Search format type:
    • International (+91 xxxxxxxxxx)
    • National (099xxxxxxxx)
    • Telco (operator format)

Freshworks Settings

  1. Truncate Caller ID
  2. Ticket Fields:
callerIdCustomer mobile numberString255
callTypeCall type (Inbound/Manual/etc.)String20
ucidUnique caller IDBigInt20
monitorUcidTransfer call IDBigInt20
didDID numberString30
campaignNameCampaign routeString255
skillNameSkill routeString255
uuiUser to User infoString500
callStatusCall answer statusString50
agentIdAgent Login IDString255
agentNumberAgent phone numberString20
callStartTimeCall start timeTimeHH:MM:SS
callEndTimeCall end timeTimeHH:MM:SS
audioFileRecording file linkStringURL
durationCall durationTimeHH:MM:SS
dispositionACW dispositionString100

Other Integrations

The document includes settings for:

  • SalesForce
  • Kapdesk
  • SIP Settings
  • Zendesk
  • Dynamics365
  • AgileCRM
  • Hubspot

Alerts Configuration

Admins can set thresholds for:

  • Busy Threshold (secs)
  • ACW Threshold (secs)
  • Queue Threshold (secs)
  • Dialler Pending Data Threshold Count
  • Busy Threshold for Chat
  • Hold Threshold for Calls

Threshold Values:

  • Set to -1 to disable notifications
  • Any other value sets the time limit in seconds