
International Escalation Matrix

This article outlines the escalation matrix designed for international users. The Point of Contact (POC) details are listed below, categorized by escalation levels.

General Support Escalation

LevelPoint of Contact (POC)Email
Level 1 (0 to 1 Hr)Customer Support DeskSee regional contacts below
Level 2 (1 to 2 Hr)Shift Team
Level 3 (4 Hr)Devpriya D. Das
Director, Technical Support

Regional Support Contacts


  • Toll Free: 1800 123 150150
  • Toll: +91 80 68970018 / +91 80 47486799 / +91 80 35216705

International Contacts

RegionEmailContact Number 559 888 7084 203 9848368 3138 9148 452 60004 3921 25991 2639 6996

IVR/Chat Flow Support

For any modifications or issues related to IVR or chat flows, please send an email to

LevelPoint of Contact (POC)EmailPOC's Number
Level 1 (1 to 2 Hr)CR Deskcr@ozonetel.comToll-free: 1800 123 150150
Level 2 (2 to 4 Hr)Sravanthi
Level 3 (4 to 8 Hr)Rampradeep Kumarrampradeep.kumar@ozonetel.comMobile: +91 9686255526

Standard Response and Resolution Time

Details on Ozonetel's response and resolution time based on severity.

Severity Levels

Case SeverityDefinitionExampleResponse TimeResolution Time
P0 (Urgent)Most severe issues - showstopper, critical failure with no workaroundService down30 minutesWithin 2 hours
P1 (High)High-impact issues - inoperative or seriously degraded with short-term workaroundReduced usability of Service2 hours8 hours
P2 (Medium)Limited functionality with readily available workaroundAn inconvenient workaround, but Service is functional4 hours16 hours
P3 (Low)Minimal problems with no operational impactMinimal impact, resolvable in next patch8 hours7 days

Issue Types and Severity Classification

Issue DescriptionOwnerCase Severity
P0 Issues
Ozonetel Agent portal is downOzonetel issueP0
Cloud Agent WebRTC is not workingOzonetel issueP0
Ozonetel PRI is up but IVR is not workingOzonetel issueP0
Ozonetel PRI is up but call not routing to agentsOzonetel issueP0
Cloud Agent Chat widget is not workingOzonetel issueP0
P1 Issues
Cloud Agent Admin portal is downOzonetel issueP1
Cloud Agent Dashboard portal is downOzonetel issueP1
Cloud Agent Outbound Dialer is not workingOzonetel issueP1
Cloud Agent Call control features not workingOzonetel issueP1
Cloud Agent UI Configuration related issuesOzonetel issueP1
P2 Issues
Ozonetel PRI is down / flapping in Ozonetel IDCTPT issue - TelcoP2
Ozonetel Internet is down / Flapping in Ozonetel IDCTPT issue - TelcoP2
Cloud Agent Report portal is downOzonetel issueP2
Issues related to Cloud Agent API / CRM IntegrationOzonetel issueP2
P3 Issues
Issues related to Cloud Agent reportsOzonetel issueP3