Chat Callback Details

This article provides details on the configuration of WhatsApp and Webchat URLs as part of a campaign creation. These serve the purpose of automatically presenting agents with relevant information when they receive chat interactions.

Configuration Details

The following parameters are passed in the Whatsapp and Webchat callback URLs.

ParameterDescriptionReturn TypeSize
monitorUCIDUnique caller ID used for monitoring chat detailsBigInt20
UUIUser to User chat informationString500
CamapignNameName of the campaign through which the chat is routedString255
CallerIdCustomer Phone numberString255
SkillSkill through which the chat is routedString255
StartTimeTime at which the chat has startedDate TimeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
EndTimeTime at which the chat has endedDate TimeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
NodeFlow of a particular chat interaction
DurationDuration of a particular calltimeHH:MM:SS
AgentUniqueIDUnique Number assigned to the agent at the time of creationBigInt20
AgentNameName of the agentString255
AgentIDAgent Login IDString255
TranscriptMessage to be sent in the chatString
DispositionDisposition set by agent in ACW(after call work) modeString100
EndByChat ended from customer or agent endString100
CustomerNameName of the customerString255
CustomerMailMail id of the customerString255
DIDDID is a predefined number in camp through which Agent chats route.String30


Example for WhatsApp and WebChat Data URL

    'monitorUCID': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',  
    'UUI': 'Sticky-RiyaA',  
    'CampaignName': 'whatsapp_chat',  
    'CallerID': '+XX30XXXXX28XX09',  
    'Skill': 'whatsapp',  
    'StartTime': '2023-07-25 08:27:57',  
    'EndTime': '2023-07-25 08:29:44',  
    'Duration': '00:01:47',  
    'AgentUniqueID': '38182',  
    'AgentName': 'RXXXXXA',  
    'AgentID': 'RXXXXXA',  
    'Transcript': '[{"agent":"false","ts":"1690253877698","msg":"Hi RiyaA . Grateful if you could reply to my message above. Thank  you.","type":"Text"},{"agent":"true","ts":"1690253961578","msg":"Dear guest, transferring\\n your message to the support team.","type":"text","agentId":"RiyaA"}]',  
    'Disposition': 'Support',  
    'EndBy': 'Agent',  
    'Comments': '',  
    'Apikey': 'KKXXXXXXX10XXXXXf',  
    'CustomerName': '',  
    'CustomerMail': '',  
    'UserName': 'XXXXXXXX',  