Integration with Zendesk
This support article provides a detailed guide on how to seamlessly integrate CloudAgent with Zendesk CRM.
- Customers must have a Zendesk account to login & configure the integration.
Installation of Cloud Agent app
- Login to the Zendesk account.
- Click on 'Settings' icon in the left navigation as shown below

- Click 'Go to Admin Center' in the settings page

Select 'Apps and Integrations' in the Admin Center page
Click on 'Marketplace' in the My Apps page as shown below

- Search for 'CloudAgent' in the marketplace and select the 'Cloudagent Call Center Integration' app

Install the 'CloudAgent' app
Post successful installation, the CloudAgent app will be visible on the top menu of the Agent workspace screen as shown below.
To customise the 'CloudAgent' app, click on the 'Private Apps' tab under 'My Apps'
Select 'Upload Private App'
Provide a name for the app
Upload the zip file provided by Ozonetel and select 'Upload'
You can modify the configuration settings by navigating to "Apps and Integrations -> Zendesk Support Apps." Here, you'll find the list of currently installed apps. Click on the settings icon and then select the "Change Settings" button to make your adjustments.
On the change settings page, you can adjust various settings and click the "Update" button to save your changes. Key settings available on this page include:
- CA - Allow agent location: This option lets agents select their CloudAgent location before logging in.
- Toolbar URL: Customize the toolbar URL based on your location and requirements.
- Click2Call: Enable or disable the Click2Call feature as needed.
- Ticket creation: Configure ticket creation for Inbound, Manual, Preview, Progressive, and Predictive calls.
- Customize the ticket subject to your preference.
- Toolbar Size: Adjust the height and width of the toolbar to fit your needs.
Updated about 1 month ago