Voice Callback Details
Call Summary Details
CloudAgent provides the following call summary details after each call:
Parameter | Description | Return Type | Size | Example |
AgentID | Agent Login ID | String | 255 | XXXXXX |
AgentName | Name of the agent | String | 255 | XXXXXXX |
AgentPhoneNumber | Phone number with which Agent is logged in | String | 20 | XXXXXXX |
AgentStatus | Status of the Agent | String | 50 | answered / not_answered / NotDialed / user_disconnected |
AgentUniqueID | Unique Number assigned to the agent at the time of creation | BigInt | 20 | XXXXXXX |
Apikey | Authentication key of the account | String | 250 | KKXXXXXXXXXXXX |
AudioFile | Recording file of that particular call | String | 500 | http://recordings.xxx/xxx/xxx.mp3 |
CallDuration | Duration of that particular call | time | HH:MM:SS | 00:01:20 |
CallerConfAudioFile | Recording file of conference call (if any) | String | 500 | http://xxxxx.xxx/xxx/xxx.mp3 |
CallerID | Customer Phone number | String | 255 | Customer's Phone number |
CampaignName | Name of the campaign through which the call is routed | String | 255 | XXXXX_XXXXX |
CampaignStatus | Whether the Campaign is ONLINE or OFFLINE | String | 20 | ONLINE / OFFLINE |
Comments | Comments by agent (if any) | text | - | XXXXXXX |
ConfDuration | Duration of the conference within the call | time | HH:MM:SS | 00:00:00 |
CustomerStatus | Status whether the customer Answered or Unanswered the call | String | 50 | InvalidNumber / Congestion / answered / not_answered / NoRouteDestination / Dialing / NoResponse / ISDDisabled / ring / exception / SubcriberAbsent / InvalidNumberFormat /Busy |
DialStatus | Telephony response of the call | String | 100 | not_answered / answered / ring / invalid_number / exception |
DialedNumber | Phone number connected to customer | String | 20 | XXXXXXX |
dId | DID is the predefined number in a campaign through which the agent calls route | String | 30 | 91XXXXXXXXXX |
Disposition | Disposition set by the agent in ACW(after-call work) mode | String | 100 | xxxxx |
Duration | Total call duration | time | HH:MM:SS | 00:45:00 |
EndTime | Time at which the call ended | time | YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS | 2019-07-20 17:41:26 |
FallBackRule | Fallback rule configured at campaign level when call is not answered | String | 255 | Queue -> SkillXFR -> AgentDial |
HangupBy | Call hang up from the customer or agent's end | String | 100 | UserHangup / Agent Hangup / SystemHangup |
Location | Location defined in the skill | String | 255 | Hyderabad |
monitorUCID | Unique caller ID used for monitoring call details | BigInt | 20 | 43XXXXXXXX |
PhoneName | Name configured to that particular agent Phone number | String | 20 | XXXXXXX |
Skill | Skill through which the call is routed | String | 255 | XXXXXX |
StartTime | Time at which the call started | Date Time | YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS | 2018-04-26 17:51:36 |
Status | Call status | String | - | Answered / NotAnswered |
TimeToAnswer | Time taken by the agent to answer the call | Time | HH:MM:SS | 00:00:15 |
TransferType | Type of transfer agent initiated | String | 30 | Agent / Skill / Phone Number |
TransferredTo | Mode to which the call is transferred | String | 30 | agent_name / skillName / transfer_number |
Type | Call type (Inbound, Manual, Preview, Progressive, etc.) | String | 20 | Progressive, Inbound, Manual, Preview, Mail, IVR, Chat, Predictive |
UserName | Account name | String | 50 | XXXXXX |
UUI | User to User call information | String | 500 | XXXXXX |
Sample Requests
Sample CURL Request (Direct Call)
curl -X POST http://yourdomain.com/callDetails \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;' \
-F 'data={"AgentID":"xxxx","AgentName":"xxxx","AgentPhoneNumber":"xxxx","AgentStatus":"NotDialed","AgentUniqueID":"xxxx","Apikey":"xxxxx","AudioFile":"","CallDuration":"00:00:52","CallerConfAudioFile":"","CallerID":"xxxx","CampaignName":"xxxx","CampaignStatus":"ONLINE","Comments":"","ConfDuration":"00:00:00","CustomerStatus":"NormalUnspecified","DataUniqueId":"xxxx","DialStatus":"NormalUnspecified","DialedNumber":"xxxx","Did":"xxxx","Disposition":"","Duration":"00:00:00","EndTime":"2024-05-20 09:36:07","FallBackRule":"CustDial","HangupBy":"AgentHangup","HoldDuration":"00:00:00","Location":"xxx","PhoneName":"xxxx","Skill":"xxxx","StartTime":"2024-05-20 09:35:15","Status":"NotAnswered","TimeToAnswer":"","TransferType":"No Transfers","TransferredTo":"","Type":"Predictive","UUI":"xxxx","UserName":"xxxx","WrapUpDuration":"00:00:00","monitorUCID":"xxxxxx"}'
Sample CURL Request (Conference Call)
curl -X POST http://yourdomain.com/callDetails \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;' \
-F 'data=[{"CallID":"xxxxxxx","UCID":"xxxxxxxx","CreatorAgentId":xxxx,"CreatorAgentName":xxxx,"CreatorPhoneNo":"xxxxxxx","ParticipantAgentId":xxxx,"ParticipantAgentName":xxxxx,"CreatorAgentPhoneNo":"xxxxxxx","CreatorPhoneName":"xxxxxx","ParticipantPhoneNo":"xxxxxxx","ParticipantAgentPhoneNo":xxxx,"ParticipantPhoneName":xxxx,"ConfStartTime":"YEAR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS","ConfPickupTime":"YEAR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS","ConfEndTime":"YEAR-MM-DD HH:MM:SS","ConfUCID":"xxxxxxxx","DID":"xxxxxxxx"}]'
Note: To receive callbacks for conference calls, ensure that the super admin setting "Conference CallBacks" is enabled.
Sample CURL Request (Advanced Conference Call)
curl -X POST http://yourdomain.com/callDetails \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;' \
-F 'data=[{"AgentID":"xxxx","AgentName":"xxxx","AgentPhoneNumber":"xxxxx","AgentStatus":"answered","AgentUniqueID":5,"Apikey":"xxxxxx","AudioFile":"","CallDuration":"00:01:05","CallID":xxxxx,"CallerConfAudioFile":"","CallerID":"xxxx","CampaignName":"test","CampaignStatus":"ONLINE","Comments":"","ConfDuration":"00:00:00","CustomerStatus":"answered","DID":"xxxx","DataUniqueId":"","DialStatus":"answered","DialedNumber":"xxxx","Disposition":"xxxx","Duration":"00:01:27","EndTime":"2024-04-19 15:13:08","FallBackRule":"AgentDial","HangupBy":"AgentHangup","HoldDuration":"00:00:00","Location":"","PhoneName":"xxxx","Skill":"","StartTime":"2024-04-19 15:11:41","Status":"Answered","TimeToAnswer":"00:00:22","TransferType":"No Transfers","TransferredTo":"","Type":"Manual","UCID":xxxx,"UUI":"","UserName":"xxxx","WrapUpDuration":"00:00:05"},{"AgentName":"xxx","Audio":null,"CallID":xxxxxx,"DID":"xxxx","DialStatus":"SUCCESS","EndTime":null,"ExitStatus":"xxxx","ParticipantNumber":"xxxx","PickupTime":"2024-04-19 15:12:54","StartTime":"2024-04-19 15:12:53","UCID":xxxx}]'
Note: To receive the advanced callbacks, ensure that the super admin setting "AdvancedCallBacks" is enabled.
Updated about 1 month ago