Microsoft Dynamic 365
This article provides a detailed guide on integrating CloudAgent with Microsoft Dynamic 365.
To access the Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework from within Dynamics 365:
Sign in to Dynamic 365.
Select the Channel Integration Framework from the search bar for apps.
Click +New to add Oznetel as a provider.
On the channel provider configuration page, add the relevant details. All the fields are explained in the table below.
name of the channel provider. Eg: Ozonetel
Label displayed as the title on the widget
Channel URL
Use the URL format to host the widget
https://{domain}/toolbar_widget/index.html?crm=msd365&origin={customer_msd_domain}#dashboard-agentEnable Outbound Communication
When a phone number is selected on the Dynamics 365 Unified Interface page, the widget initiates the call or outbound communication.
Channel order
The order of precedence of the channel providers.
API version
The version of the Channel Integration Framework APIs.
Trusted Domain
If you are an In-CcaaS user, this can be -
Custom parameters
This takes a text blob as input and Microsoft.CIFramework.getEnvironment will return this as value of key customParams.
Select Unified Interface Apps for the Channel
The list of Unified Interface apps where the channel is displayed for the agents.
Select the Roles for the Channel
The security roles that are present in Dynamics 365.
Once you have configured, select the provider that has been added and click on Activate.
Confirm the activation.
Verify the interface app that has been added to see the widget on the right side. The widget can be minimized, use the arrow to expand it for a detailed view.
Updated 5 days ago