The reports scheduler helps you get your periodic reports into your inbox directly. You can also schedule these reports for your colleagues and management. The scheduler allows you to schedule One Report at a time and with one frequency (Hourly, Daily, weekly, monthly, Current month to date).

This helps in keeping track of the workflow in the contact center at the required frequency.

Supervisors and Business heads of Inbound contact centers will find this report useful as they receive regular reports according to the frequency set

Run Scheduler Report

Follow the following instructions to schedule a report

  • click the Scheduler option on the top right side menu, as shown below

  • Fill in the fields in the next window. Fields descriptions are given below.

UserThis is the user identifier.
Job NameThis is an identifier for the scheduler job you are creating for sending automated email reports. You can put any name/number in this field as convenient. It is a mandatory field.
Email IDsCan give multiple email Ids with comma separation.
Email SubjectSubject of the email sent.
Email MessageIf any message to be sent along the email.
Select Date and TimeThe date and time when the email is required to send.
ReportsSelect any of the reports available in the menu from the dropdown.
  • Click continue then fill in the fields as per the requirement. Fields and their descriptions are given below:
From DateGives you the option to select the frequency in which you want the report to be generated.
To Date Gives you the option to select the frequency in which you want the report to be generated.
Export TypeThe export types allowed are Excel, CSV & PDF files.
FrequencyThe frequency of the scheduler can be set to

1. Once – This means the report will be emailed to you only once.
2. Hourly – If it is an hourly report and you want it every hour to your email (usually this is not suggested for Hourly reports, and it is better to look at it directly in the portal)
3. Daily – for any report which is needed to be in your inbox daily.
4. Weekly – for any report you need once a week.
5. Monthly – for any report you need for your monthly reviews with agents.
  • Click Continue to have the selected report scheduled to the provided email.