Update Block Number Group


Deprecation Update

This API will be deprecated by 31st Jan 2025.

We recommend to start using the new version of the APIs:

Using this API, You can add multiple phone numbers to a Block Number group.

For authentication, provide your username ( Cloud Agent username ) and password ( API key associated with your account ) in the Authorization section.

Body parameters

Provide the following parameters in the BODY PARAMS section.

nameName for the block number group
descriptionEnter the description for the group
IdBlock Number Group ID
blockNumbersPhone numbers to be added to the group
expiryDateAdd the expiry date for the number, this indicates the duration you want the number to remain in the blocked list.


Rate Limit

This API supports the addition of up to 100 phone numbers in a single request.

Possible responses

Passing Invalid 'username' in Authorization{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed"}
Passing Invalid 'password' in Authorization{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed"}
Passing invalid Id key parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"}
Passing invalid Id value parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Invalid group id"}
Passing invalid blockNumbers key parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"}
Passing invalid blockNumbers value parameter.{"status": "error","message": "invalid data","errors": {"blockNumbers": "Blocknumbers data contains invalid format of numbers"}}
Successfully updating multiple numbers in a group"{""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""updated"",""input"": {""id"": XX,
""blockNumbers"": [""97XXX04XX3"",
""output"": {""succes"": [
""error"": [],""new"": 3,""inserted"": 3}}"


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is https://in1-ccaas-api.ozonetel.com. Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!