Delete Block Number(s) from a Group (Basic Authentication)

This API is used to delete a phone number from a Block Number Group.



Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.

To access this API the following Header and Body parameters MUST be passed.


apiKeyYour CloudAgent account API Key

Body Params

Parameter (new Key)Description (new value)
userName (Body Param)Your CloudAgent account Username.
blockNumbers (Body Param)Phone numbers to be deleted from the group


Rate Limit

This API supports the deletion of up to 100 phone numbers in a single request.

Possible responses

Passing invalid Id key parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"}
Passing invalid Id value parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Invalid group id"}
Passing invalid blockNumbers key parameter.{ "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"}
Successfully deleting multiple leads in Block Number Group"{""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""deleted"",""input"": {""id"": 1,
""blockNumbers"": [""91XX88XXX8"",
""output"": {""success"": [
""error"": [],""deleted"": 4}}"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!