Add Campaign Bulk Data (New)

The Add Campaign Bulk Data (V4) API facilitates the bulk addition of data to Outbound Campaigns (Dialers). This data comprising numbers/leads is structured with mapped headers, including PhoneNumber, Name, Priority, Skill, etc, for integration into the dialer.

When you call this API multiple times, the data is stored in a queue and subsequently added to the outbound campaign in a queued manner.

The data must be entered manually following the example format below.




  • The maximum count of data to be added is 500 per request.
  • Maximum of 5 Requests allowed per minute.
  • Parameters with ‘*’ are mandatory parameters.

To access this API the following parameters MUST be passed.




Your CloudAgent account API key. Available in your account admin login.


Name of the campaign to which the data is to be added.


Data to be inserted


Your CloudAgent account username


  • *start **- Setting the action parameter to "**start**" initiates the campaign as soon as the data upload process is completed. This is not a mandatory parameter.


"true" - If passed true, API checks for the duplicate phone numbers and adds only the unique numbers
"false" - API doesn't check for duplicate numbers if passed false.


Add the call-back URL if needed. It should be publically accessible.


"true": When set to true, the API verifies the status of existing leads in the campaign. If the number already exists in the campaign data, it will not be added again.
"false": When set to false, the API ignores the status of existing leads, and the new number will be added to the campaign regardless.

Possible Responses

Success response

API Response:
"{""transactionId"": ""129171716445505819319510"",
""status"": ""success"",
""message"": ""queued successfully""}

Callback response:
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Success",
"message": "File Successfully uploaded.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Passing Invalid apiKey Value

{"status": "error","message": "Invalid userName or apiKey"}

Missing apiKey Value / Passing Invalid apiKey Key / Missing apiKey key

{"status": "error","message": "apiKey should not be empty"}

Passing Invalid userName Value

{"status": "error","message": "Invalid userName or apiKey"}

Missing userName Value / Passing Invalid userName Key / Missing userName key

{"status": "error","message": "userName should not be empty"}

Passing Invalid CampaignName Key

{"status": "error","message": "campaignName should not be empty"}

Passing Invalid CampaignName Value

{"status": "error","message": "Invalid Campaign Name"}

Missing Campaign Name Key / Missing Campaign Name Value

{"status": "error","message": "campaignName should not be empty"}

Passing Invalid bulkData Key

""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""

Passing Invalid bulkData Value

""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""

Missing bulkData Key

""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""

Missing bulkData Value

""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""

word PhoneNumber missing in bulk data map field value

"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""1292017169670681719733108"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

If data is not as per map fields

"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""129861716888265726411532"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx ",
"transactionId": "129861716888265726411532",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Adding data to inbound campaign

{"status": "error","message": "Invalid Campaign Name"}

If the campaign-mapped file and API-mapped file not matching

"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""129861716888265726411532"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "129861716888265726411532",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

More than 5 hits per minute.

{"status": "error","message": "too many Requests and failed to add Data to queue"}

Callback Url response for successful case of leads upload.

"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Success",
"message": "File Successfully uploaded.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Callback Url response for a failed case of leads upload.

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Sample response with failed file path:

Please note that the failed file path is a pre-signed URL, valid for 24 hours.


{"data":"{"totalNoUploaded":"6","numbersProcessed":"2","numbersNotProcessed":"4","failedFilePath":"", "transactionId":"172067852912917131638630","status":"Success","message":"File Successfully uploaded.","startDateTime":"2024-07-11 11:45:29","endDateTime":"2024-07-11 11:45:54"}"}

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!