post https://{domainname}/ca_apis/createAgent
Create a new agent in the system.
This API enables you to create a new agent in your CloudAgent account.
Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.
Rate Limit
This API permits up to 5 requests per minute.
Possible Responses
Success Response | "{""Status"": ""Success"", ""Message"": ""Agent Created Successfully""}" |
Missing apiKey key / Missing apiKey Value | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."", ""data"": null}" |
Passing Invalid apiKey Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Passing Invalid userName Value / Missing userName key / Missing userName Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Passing Invalid agentId Value / Missing agentId key / Missing agentId Value / | "{ ""status"": ""error"", ""message"": ""Agent not found"" }" |
Passing Invalid agentName Value | "{""Status"": ""Fail"",""Message"": { ""agentName"": ""The agent name must not be empty and it should be between 2 and 50 alphanumeric characters and allow special characters such as., @, _, -""}}" |
Missing agentName Value | "{""status"": ""error"", ""message"": ""Agent Name is required""}" |
Passing Invalid password Value | {"message": "Password length must be between 3 and 50 characters","status": "error"} |
Missing password Value | "{""message"": ""Password is required"", ""status"": ""error""}" |
Passing Invalid email Value | "{""message"": ""Invalid email format"", ""status"": ""error""}" |
Missing email key | {"message": "Email should not be null or empty","status": "error"} |
Missing email Value | {"message": "Email should not be null or empty","status": "error"} |
More than 5 requests per minute | "{""status"": ""error"", ""message"": ""Max limit exceeded""}" |
Passing spaces or commas in Agent Data field | {"message": "Agent data must be between 2 and 100 characters using only letters, numbers, and special characters like ., @, _, -","status": "error"} |
Passing invalid screenRecording. | {"message": "Invalid sipLocation", "status": "error"} |