Delete campaign data API is used to delete data from the outbound campaigns. One record can be deleted per each request sent.
To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:
- Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
- Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
- With the token entered, pass the below header and body parameters:
Header parameters
Parameter | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Params
"campaignName": "xxxxxxxx",
"phoneNumber": "81xxxxxxx8",
"userName": "xxxxxxx"
Possible response
Success response | {"status": "Success","message": "Deleted Successfully"} |
Invalid apiKey Key / Missing apiKey key | ""{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Invalid apiKey Value / Missing apiKey Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Invalid userName Key / Missing userName key | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Invalid userName Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Invalid campaignName Key | {"status": "Error","message": "Campaign should not be null are empty"} |
Invalid campaignName Value | "{""status"": ""Error"", |
Missing campaignName key | {"status": "Error","message": "Campaign should not be null are empty"} |
Invalid PhoneNumber Key | {"status": "Error","message": "PhoneNumber should not be null are empty"} |
Invalid PhoneNumber Value | {"status": "Error","message": "No Record Found"} |
Missing PhoneNumber key / Value | {"status": "Error","message": "PhoneNumber should not be null are empty"} |
Deleting multiple numbers in one request. | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid Json Pass Valid Json", "data": null} |
Deleting an already deleted number. | {"status": "Error","message": "No Record Found"} |
Invalid Token Value | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Invalid Token"", |
Missing Token Value | {"status": "false","message": "Token Should Not be Null or Empty.","data": null} |
Passing expired Token | {"status": "false","message": "Token Expired","data": null} |