Delete Campaign Bulk Data (Token Authentication)

The API allows you to delete data from campaigns in your account.



Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'TOKEN_AUTH', If you are using this API.

To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:

  1. Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
  2. Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
  3. With the token entered, pass the body parameters in the below format.

    "userName": "Your account User name",
    "phoneNumber": [
    "campaignName": [
    "Campaign Name 1",
    "Campaign Name 2",
    "Campaign Name 3"

  4. Content-Type should be 'application/json'


Rate Limit:

  • A maximum of 2 requests are allowed per minute.
    • New request will not be accepted until the current one gets processed.
  • Up to 100 phone numbers or 100 campaign names can be processed per request.

Possible responses

Passing Invalid Bearer Token Value"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Invalid Token"",
""data"": null}"
Missing Bearer Token Value{"status": "false","message": "Token Should Not be Null or Empty.","data": null}
Passing expired Token{"status": "false","message": "Token Expired","data": null}
Passing Invalid userName Key"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Passing Invalid phoneNumber Key"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""PhoneNumbers should not be null are empty""
Missing phoneNumber key"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""PhoneNumbers should not be null are empty""
Passing Invalid campaignName Key"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""Campaign should not be null are empty""
Missing campaignName key"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""Campaign should not be null are empty""
Missing campaignName Value"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""Passed campaign are invalid""
If hit more than 2 times in a minute.{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""Max limit exceeded""
Passing more than 100 numbers"{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""A maximum of 100 phone numbers or 100 campaign names will be accepted""
Passing more than 100 CampaignNames."{
""status"": ""Error"",
""message"": ""A maximum of 100 phone numbers or 100 campaign names will be accepted""
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!