Campaign Dial Status

Use this API to get the dial status data for an outbound campaign.

To access this API, pass all the following parameters. (* are mandatory)




Provide the date in the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)


Provide the date in the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)


Pass this parameter as "0" (Zero) - If passed as zero the API fetches all the campaign data.
Pass a "1" - If passed as one, the API responds considering the created date of data for the campaign.
Pass "2" - If passed as two, the API responds considering the updated date of the data of the campaign.


  • *All **- Pass "All" to retrieve data for all leads.
  • *Fail**- Pass "Fail" to retrieve data for failed leads.
  • *Success **- Pass "Success" to retrieve data for successful leads.
  • *Pending **- Pass "Pending" to retrieve data for pending leads.


  • *ALL** - Pass "All" to retrieve data for all leads.
  • *Fail** - Pass "Fail" to retrieve data for failed leads.
  • *NoAnswer** - Pass "NoAnswer" to retrieve data for not answered leads.
  • *user_disconnected** - To get the data for the user-disconnected cases.
  • *answered** - To get the data for the answered cases.


  • *ALL **- To get data related to all the dispositions configured to the campaign.
    You can also pass any configured disposition value.


Provide the campaign name


Your CloudAgent account username


Give the callback URL


Points to Remember

  • Data can be fetched for a single campaign at a time.
  • Allows 10 request per minute.

Possible Responses

Passing Invalid apiKey Key

"{""status"": ""error"",
""message"": ""apiKey is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Passing Invalid apiKey Value

{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed","uniqueId": ""}

Missing apiKey key

"{""status"": ""error"",
""message"": ""apiKey is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Missing apiKey Value

{"status": "error","message": "apiKey is invalid","uniqueId": ""}

Passing Invalid userName Key

{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}

Passing Invalid userName Value

{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed","uniqueId": ""}

Missing userName key

{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}

Missing userName Value

{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}

Passing Invalid CampaignName Key

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Passing Invalid CampaignName Value

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Missing Campaign Name Key

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Missing Campaign Name Value

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Passing Invalid callBackUrl Key

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Passing Invalid callBackUrl Value

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Missing callBackUrl Key

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Missing callBackUrl Value

"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!