Campaign Dial Status

Use this API to get the dial status data for an outbound campaign.

To access this API, pass all the following parameters. (* are mandatory)

fromDateProvide the date in the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
toDateProvide the date in the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
sortbyPass this parameter as "0" (Zero) - If passed as zero the API fetches all the campaign data.
Pass a "1" - If passed as one, the API responds considering the created date of data for the campaign.
Pass "2" - If passed as two, the API responds considering the updated date of the data of the campaign.
status*All - Pass "All" to retrieve data for all leads.
Fail- Pass "Fail" to retrieve data for failed leads.
Success - Pass "Success" to retrieve data for successful leads.
Pending - Pass "Pending" to retrieve data for pending leads.
dialstatus*ALL - Pass "All" to retrieve data for all leads.
Fail - Pass "Fail" to retrieve data for failed leads.
NoAnswer - Pass "NoAnswer" to retrieve data for not answered leads.
user_disconnected - To get the data for the user-disconnected cases.
answered - To get the data for the answered cases.
dispositions*ALL - To get data related to all the dispositions configured to the campaign.
You can also pass any configured disposition value.
campaignName*Provide the campaign name
userName*Your CloudAgent account username
callBackUrl*Give the callback URL


Points to Remember

  • Data can be fetched for a single campaign at a time.
  • Allows 10 request per minute.

Possible Responses

Passing Invalid apiKey Key"{""status"": ""error"",
""message"": ""apiKey is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Passing Invalid apiKey Value{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed","uniqueId": ""}
Missing apiKey key"{""status"": ""error"",
""message"": ""apiKey is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Missing apiKey Value{"status": "error","message": "apiKey is invalid","uniqueId": ""}
Passing Invalid userName Key{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed","uniqueId": ""}
Missing userName key{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}
Missing userName Value{"status": "error","message": "userName is invalid","uniqueId": ""}
Passing Invalid CampaignName Key"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Passing Invalid CampaignName Value"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Missing Campaign Name Key"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Missing Campaign Name Value"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""campaignName is invalid"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Passing Invalid callBackUrl Key"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Passing Invalid callBackUrl Value"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Missing callBackUrl Key"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Missing callBackUrl Value"{""status"": ""error"",""message"": ""callBackUrl cannot be empty (OR) it should contain ‘’ or '"",
""uniqueId"": """"}"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!