Customer Hold Details (Basic Authentication)

Get Customer Hold Details API is used to retrieve hold time duration for historical call records. Data can be retrieved for any one of the previous days at a time, on the basis of certain parameters. Response data includes all details regarding a Hold time duration within a call.


Rate Limit:

A maximum of 5 requests per minute is allowed.



Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.

Header parameters

apiKey*Your CloudAgent account API Key

Body Params

"fromDate": "2024-11-28",
"toDate": "2024-11-28",
"userName": "xxxxx"

Possible responses

Success response

"status": 1
"message": "Success", "data": {xxxxx}

Invalid apiKey

"status": 0
"message": "No user found", "data": ""

Invalid userName

"status": 0
"message": "No user found", "data": ""

Invalid Date format

"status": 0
"message": "Please pass the data in following format yyyy-mm-dd", "data": ""

Missing mandatory parameters

"status": 0
"message": "All parameters are mandatory", "data": ""

Get requests when another process is running

"status": 0
"message": "Already request is in progress, please try again", "data": ""

No records found

"status": 1
"message": "No data found", "data": []

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!