get https://{domainname}/api/chat/OzonetelMetaAPI/message_templates/waba_id/
Fetch WhatsApp message templates by providing the WABA ID.
Use this API to retrieve the WhatsApp message templates configured for your account by providing your WABA ID.
Path Parameters:
- waba_id: Enter your unique WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID to fetch the associated templates.
In-CcaaS Customers: Use the domain when making your request.
Rate Limit: 5 requests per minute.
Possible Responses
Example Success Response | { "data": [ { "name": "Name of the template", "components": [ { "type": "BODY", "text": "Dear {{1}},\n\nThank you for your interest in {{2}}. ", "example": { "body_text": [ [ "Name", "Test", "30th August, 10 AM", "Address", "xxxxx" ] ] } }, { "type": "BUTTONS", "buttons": [ { "type": "URL", "text": "Visit Website", "url": "" } ] } ], "language": "en", "status": "APPROVED", "category": "UTILITY", "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, { "name": "booking_approved_by_team_in", "components": [ { "type": "BODY", "text": "Dear {{1}} ,\nThank you for choosing test {{2}} . } ], "language": "en", "status": "APPROVED", "category": "UTILITY", "id": "xxxxxxxxxxx" }, |
When the rate limits exceeds | { "status": "failed", "message": "Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later." } |