This API is used to delete a phone number from a Block Number Group.
To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:
- Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
- Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
- With the token entered, pass the below header and body parameters:
Body Params
Parameter (new Key) | Description (new value) |
userName | Your CloudAgent account Username. |
blockNumbers | Phone numbers to be deleted from the group. |
Parameter | Description |
Content-Type | Should be - application/json |
Rate Limit
This API supports the deletion of up to 100 phone numbers in a single request.
Possible responses
Passing invalid Id key parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"} |
Passing invalid Id value parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Invalid group id"} |
Passing invalid blockNumbers key parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"} |
Successfully deleting multiple leads in Block Number Group | "{""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""deleted"",""input"": {""id"": 1, |