Outbound Campaign Create

Use this API to create an outbound campaign within your CloudAgent account.

In the BODY PARAMS provide the parameters that apply to create the campaign.


For domestic ccaas - enter the domain: api.cloudagent.ozonetel.com

For International ccaas - enter the domain: ccaas.ozonetel.com



Please consider the following points while using the campaign handling APIs.

  1. You cannot use Null or empty values for non-mandatory parameters. If those parameters are not required, do not add them to the BODY PARAMS.
  2. "position" parameter is not applicable in the Payload.
  3. When Fallback is not given in the payload, campaign will be created with Fallback as None.
  4. We cannot update campaigns in Running Position.
  5. File to Upload is mandatory for ccaas customers, but we will be able to create campaigns with API without Data File.
  6. Mapping File Creation is not handled.
  7. As of now, Advanced Retry Page is not Handled with the APIs.
  8. You cannot update Campaign Name, as update is done based on Campaign Name as Primary value.
  9. Actions like Start, Stop, Reset, Force Stop and Delete data are not handled.
  10. Rate Limit to create a campaign: 2 request per minute per user, irrespective of the campaign type (Inbound Or Outbound).

Parameter (newKey)

Description (New value)


Provide the CloudAgnet account name


Give a name for the campaign to be created


Provide the API key of your account. Available in CloudAgent after admin login


To create a campaign - "create"


"Preview" / "Progressive" / "IVR" / "Predictive"


Specify if it's "Nonagentwise" / "Agentwise" / "Skillwise"


Provide a DID for the campaign


Add the fallback DID


Add the dynamic DID number


Add the fallback dynamic DID number


Give the start run time in the format HH:MM:SS. Example: 20:00:00


Give the end run time in the format HH:MM:SS. Example: 23:00:00


Provide the Map file name


Add the pacing ratio value. Example: 1:2


Enter the Max Drop Ratio (%) value in digits. Example: 30


The maximum number of active calls allowed for the campaign. Add the value in numerical


Use this parameter to customize the IVR flow through some other application. Enter the App URL if this parameter is used.


Enter the number of tries value in digits. Example: 10


Give priority to the campaign.


Give the dial interval time in seconds. Example: 5


Give the customer ringing time in seconds. Example: 30


Add the list of users with comma-separated values. Example: user1,user2


Add the callback URL


Specify if it is at the "Client Side" / "Server Side" / "Client&Server" / "Client Side OnBusy" / "Plugin" / "Server Side OnBusy"


Give the screen pop URL


provide the plugin name


Add the call prefix as required. Example: "+"


Provide the audio URL as the parameter value in either .mp3 or .wav format. Note that this parameter is optional.


Provide the list of dispositions with comma-separated values.


Specify the disposition type, whether through the API or toolbar or if no disposition is needed. "API" / "Toolbar" / "None"


Give the wrap-up time in seconds. Example: 30


"Block" / "Allow" / "None"


Provide the block number group name


Specify the numerical value to set the maximum daily outbound dialing attempts for a number within the campaign.


"Record the call in Full" / "Record only the conversation" / "Do not record calls"






Name of the IVR flow to be associated with the campaign.


Setting dndEnableto true activates the Do Not Disturb feature. When this checkbox is checked, the system will reference the Do Not Disturb log and prevent calls from being dialed.


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


"true" - passing as true automatically dials the numbers with a prefixed 0 (zero) added before the 10-digit phone numbers available in the campaign list.


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


"true" - providing true as a parameter enables the setting.
In Progressive dialing, the system automatically dials customers one by one, placing the agent on hold until a customer answers.


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


"false" - providing 'false' as a parameter disables the setting. This is an agent-to-agent (internal calling) dialing feature. To know more about the Internal calling feature refer to, Agent to Agent Calling .


Provide the list of skill names with comma-separated values.


Add the script for the campaign as you need.


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


"false" - providing false as a parameter disables the setting


Play Voice Message


provide the URL

Possible Responses

Providing Valid Campaign Name

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Passing Invalid apiKey Key

""Message"": ""Invalid apiKey""

Passing Invalid apiKey Value

""Message"": ""Authentication failed.""

Missing apiKey key / Missing apiKey value

""Message"": ""Invalid apiKey""

Passing Invalid userName Key / Missing userName key / Missing userName Value

""Message"": ""Invalid username""

Passing Invalid userName Value

""Message"": ""Authentication failed.""

Providing Empty / Null Campaign Name

""Message"": ""Campaign Name is required""

Providing Invalid Campaign Name

{"Message": "Campaign Name should be between 2 to 255 alphanumeric characters long and allows special characters like .,@,_,-"}

Providing Min and Max values to the Campaign Name parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Not Providing Campaign Name Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign Name is required""

Providing valid Campaign Type

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing invalid Campaign Type / Providing Empty Campaign Type / Not Providing Campaign Type Parameter

""Message"": ""Invalid Campaign Type""

Providing valid Dial method.

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid Dial Method / providing Empty Dial Method / Not Providing Dial Method Parameter

""Message"": ""Invalid campaignDialMethod""

Providing valid DID

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid DID / providing valid Fallback DID

""Message"": ""Please enter the Valid DID assigned to the account.""

Providing Min and Max values to DID parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Empty DID

""Message"": ""DID must be between 3 and 16 digits and allows the + prefix""

Not Providing DID Parameter

""Message"": ""DID must be between 3 and 16 digits and allows the + prefix""

Providing Invalid Fallback DID

""Message"": ""Please enter the Valid FallbackDID assigned to the account""

Providing Empty Fallback WrapUp Time

""Message"": ""FallBack DID must be between 3 and 16 digits and allows the + prefix""

Providing Fallback DID when ROLE_Fallback_DID is not assigned and passing the fallBack DID value

""Message"": ""FallBack DID role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

When ROLE_Fallback_DID is not assigned to the account and not passing the fallBack DID value

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Valid Start Run Time

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing InValid Start Run Time / Providing Empty/ Null Start Run Time / Not Providing Start Run Time Parameter

""Message"": ""runtimeStart is Invalid""

Providing Valid End Run Time

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing InValid End Run Time / Providing Empty/ Null End Run Time / Not Providing End Run Time Parameter

""Message"": ""runtimeEnd is Invalid""

Providing Start Run Time Greater than End Run Time

""Message"": ""Runtime Start should not be greater than Runtime End.""

Providing Invalid Dial Interval

""Message"": ""dialInterval should be between 0 to 9999""

Providing Empty/ Null Dial Interval

""Message"": ""dialInterval should be between 0 to 9999""

Not providing Dial Interval Parameter

""Message"": ""dialInterval should be between 0 to 9999""

Providing Invalid Priority / Providing Empty Or Null Priority / Not Providing Priority Parameter

""Message"": ""priority should be between 1 to 999""

Providing Min and Max values to the Priority Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

When no Role_CAMP_Priority is assigned but passing priority value in parameters.

""Message"": ""Call Priority role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

Providing InValid "URL To Push" / Providing Empty/ Null "URL To Push" / Not providing "URL To Push" Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid "Hit ScreenPop URl At" / Providing Empty/ Null "Hit ScreenPop URl At"

""Message"": ""Invalid hitScreenPopUrlAT""

Not providing "Hit ScreenPop URl At" Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing valid "Hit ScreenPop URl At" as Plugin and not passing Plugin Name

""Message"": ""Invalid pluginName""

Providing valid "Hit ScreenPop URl At" as Plugin and passing Valid Plugin Name which is in account. (Zoho/idesk)

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing valid "ScreenPop URL" / Providing invalid "ScreenPop URL" / Providing Empty/ Null "ScreenPop URL"

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid Prefix

""Message"": ""Call Prefix should be between 1 to 6 digits long and allows prefix +""

Providing Min and Max values to the Prefix Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Empty/ Null Prefix

""Message"": ""Call Prefix should be between 1 to 6 digits long and allows prefix +""

Not providing Prefix Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

When no Role_Prefix is assigned and passing prefix key and value.

""Message"": ""Call Prefix role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

Providing Invalid No.Of.Tries / Providing Empty/ Null No.Of.Tries

""Message"": ""ruleNot should be between 1 and 10.""

Not providing No.Of.Tries Parameter

""Message"": ""noOfTries should be between 1 and 10.""

Providing Invalid Block Number / Providing Empty Block Number / Not Providing Block Number Parameter

""Message"": ""Invalid BlockNumber""

Providing valid Block Number as "None"

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid Block Number as "Block" and passing valid Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid Block Number as "Block" and passing Invalid Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Please Pass valid Block Group""

Providing valid Block Number as "Block" and not passing Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Please Pass valid Block Group""

Providing valid Block Number as "Allow" and passing valid Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid Block Number as "Allow" and passing Invalid Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Please Pass valid Block Group""

Providing valid Block Number as "Allow" and without passing Blocknumber Group.

""Message"": ""Please Pass valid Block Group""

Providing Invalid Record / Providing Empty Record / Not Providing Record Parameter

""Message"": ""Invalid recOn""

Providing Empty / Null Customer Ringing Time

""Message"": ""customerRingTime should be between 1 and 90""

Providing Invalid Customer Ringing Time

""Message"": ""customerRingTime should be between 1 and 90""

Providing Min and Max values to the Customer Ringing Time parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Not Providing Customer Ringing Time Parameter

""Message"": ""customerRingTime should be between 1 and 90""

Providing invalid Dispostion Type / Providing Empty Dispostion Type / Not Providing Dispostion Type Parameter

""Message"": ""Disposition Type Invalid""

Providing valid Disposition

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX created Successfully.""

Providing invalid Disposition / Providing Empty Disposition / Not Providing Disposition Parameter

""Message"": ""Please pass valid disposition""

Providing Multi level Dispostions

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing valid WrapUpTime

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid WrapUp Time

""Message"": ""wrapUpTime should be between 0 to 9999 seconds.""

Providing acceptable values to WrapUp Time parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Empty WrapUp Time / Not Providing WrapUp Time Parameter

""Message"": ""wrapUpTime should be between 0 to 9999 seconds.""

Providing valid User Assigned

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing invalid User Assigned / Providing Empty User Assigned

""Message"": ""Invalid users.""

Not Providing User Assigned Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid Mapping Name

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid Mapping Name / Providing Empty Mapping Name / Not Providing Mapping Name Parameter

""Message"": ""mappingName Does not Exists""

Providing valid Music File - On Hold

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid Music File - On Hold

""Message"": ""holdMusic is invalid""

Providing Empty/Null Music File - On Hold

""Message"": ""holdMusic is invalid""

Not Providing Music File - On Hold

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid Music File - On Transfer

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid Music File - On Transfer

""Message"": ""transferMusic is invalid""

Providing Empty/Null Music File - On Transfer

""Message"": ""transferMusic is invalid""

Not Providing Music File - On Transfer

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Enabling AMD when "Dial Customer First " is enabled

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Enabling AMD when "Dial Customer First " is not enabled

""Message"": ""For Progressive and Preview, customerFirst should be enabled if AMDActive is enabled.""

Providing AMD when no ROLE_AMD is not assigned

""Message"": ""AMD Detection role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

Providing AMD when no ROLE_AMD is not assigned and not passing parameters

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing invalid AMD Type

""Message"": ""AMD Type Invalid""

Providing "voice Message URL*" and AMD Type as "Play Voice Message"

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Not Providing "voice Message URL*" and providingAMD Type as "Play Voice Message"

""Message"": ""AMD Type Invalid""

Providing "voice Message URL*" and providing AMD Type as other than "Play Voice Message"

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Creating campaign when ROLE_DND_Check is not assigned

""Message"": ""DND Enable role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

DND Check=True when ROLE_DND_Check is not assigned

""Message"": ""DND Enable role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

DND Check=False when ROLE_DND_Check is not assigned

""Message"": ""DND Enable role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

Providing True to all the check Boxes

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing False to all the check Boxes

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Dial Customer First=True,
ACW for UnAnswered Calls=False,
Dial By Holding Agent=False

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Dial Customer First=True,
ACW for UnAnswered Calls=True,
Dial By Holding Agent=True

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing Dial By Holding Agent=True,
ACW for UnAnswered Calls=False,
Dial Customer First=False

""Message"": ""Campaign APIProgCamp Created Successfully.""

Providing Dial By Holding Agent=True,
ACW for UnAnswered Calls=True,
Dial Customer First=True

""Message"": ""ACW For UnAnswered Calls and Dial By Holding Agent should be false when Dial Customer First is true""

Providing ACW for UnAnswered Calls=True,
Dial By Holding Agent=False

""Message"": ""ACW For UnAnswered Calls and Dial By Holding Agent should be false when Dial Customer First is true""

Providing ACW for UnAnswered Calls=True, Dial By Holding Agent=True

""Message"": ""ACW For UnAnswered Calls and Dial By Holding Agent should be false when Dial Customer First is true""

Providing valid "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number"

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number"

""Message"": ""Daily Outbound Limit per Number between 1 and 99.""

Providing acceptable values to "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Empty "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number"

""Message"": ""Daily Outbound Limit per Number between 1 and 99.""

Not Providing "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" Parameter

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing valid "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" when ROLE_Outbound_Restriction is not assigned

""Message"": ""OBD RESTRICTION role is not assigned to this account. Please contact the admin.""

Providing "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" when ROLE_Outbound_Restriction is not assigned

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing Invalid "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" when Setting "Outbound Dialing rule On" as None.

""Message"": ""Daily Outbound Limit per Number between 1 and 99.""

Providing valid "Daily Outbound Limit Per Number" when Setting "Outbound Dialing rule On" as None.

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing "Apply DNC Regulation"

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Providing "Apply DNC Regulation" and Run Time

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Creating Duplicate campaign

""Message"": ""Campaign name Already Exists.""

Creating Campaign w.r.t Role Based Checks

""Message"": ""Campaign XXXX Created Successfully.""

Updating play disclaimer when the campaign is in Running State.

""Message"": ""Please change the campaign status to Ready or Completed to update the campaign.""

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!