Agent Manual dial Online (Click2Call) API is used to make outbound calls through any web application, as we perform in the agent toolbar manually. This API works only if the agent is logged in as an agent in the CloudAgent toolbar and available in manual or blended mode.
Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.
To access this API pass the following header and body parameters.
Parameter | Description |
apiKey* | Available in Cloud agent after admin login |
Content-Type | Should be - application/json |
userName* | Your CloudAgent acoount username |
agentID* | Unique id for every agent irrespective to campaign |
campaignName* | Name of the campaign where the manual dial should be initiated |
customerNumber* | Number to be dialed out |
UCID | true - Paaing 'true' as a parameter gives you the UCID of the call in the API response. |
uui | This is an additional data field used to pass application data from an API or user inputs on IVR into the report |
Parameters with ‘*’ are to be considered as mandatory parameters.
Possible responses
Success Call | {"ucid":"90XXXXXXXXXXXXX","status":"queued successfully"} |
Invalid api_key / Missing apiKey key | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Invalid apiKey Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Invalid username key | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Passing Invalid userName Value | {"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null} |
Missing userName key / Missing userName Value | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Passing Invalid agentID Key | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please Pass Valid AgentId are Valid skillName "} |
Passing Invalid agentID Value | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please Pass Valid AgentId"} |
Missing agentID key | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please Pass Valid AgentId are Valid skillName "} |
Missing agentID Value | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please Pass Valid AgentId are Valid skillName "} |
When agent not ready / agent not logged in / agent not in manual or blended mode | {"status": "Fail","message": "Agent is not available"} |
Passing Invalid CampaignName Key | {"status": "Fail","message": "Campaign name should not be null are empty"} |
Passing Invalid CampaignName Value | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass Valid Campaign Details"} |
Missing Campaign Name Key | {"status": "Fail","message": "Campaign name should not be null are empty"} |
Missing Campaign Name Value | {"status": "Fail","message": "Campaign name should not be null are empty"} |
When the campaign is offline | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass Valid Campaign Details"} |
Campaign is not in running state / campaign is not enabled for manual calling | {"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass Valid Campaign Details"} |
UCID=true | {"ucid":"914XXXXXXXXX","status":"queued successfully"} |
UCID=false or ucid with invalid values | {"status":"queued successfully"} |
with uui / without uui | {"ucid":"914XXXXXXXXX","status":"queued successfully"} |
Missing parameters | "{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."", |
Attempting to make a call on a configured holiday | {"status": "Fail","message": "Call cannot be initiated on a holiday"} |
Further Insights
By default, the domain name is Please refer here to change based on the need.