Call Control in Conference (Token authentication)

Call Control API is used to perform toolbar actions when dialing through offline campaigns. This API helps in taking a third-party number into a conference and then can Mute, Unmute, Hold, Unhold, and KICK_CALL(which is also DROP) numbers without the interference of Agent login.

To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:

  1. Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
  2. Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
  3. With the token entered, pass the below header and body parameters:
Content-TypeShould be - application/json
ucid*Unique ID generated when offline call is initiated
conferenceNumber*For the In-CcaaS instance use the format: Prefix "0" (zero) followed by a 10-digit number.
For International instances use the format: Prefix the country code with a plus sign (+), followed by the phone number.
did*Phone number through which calls are dialed out to agents and customers
agentPhoneName*Phone name associated with an agent number
userNameYour CloudAgnet account user name



  • Desired ‘action’(parameter) impacts the PhoneName that is passed in the parameter field.
  • Parameters with ‘*’ are mandatory parameters.
  • Always pass the agent phone number in the 'conferenceNumber' parameter to use 'KICK_CALL' action
  • No call controller options will be shown to the SIP agent when a conference call is answered

Possible responses

Success response with valid inputs.{"status": "Success","message": "dialing","ucid": "90174967305497"}
Hitting the request when the token is expired.{"status": "false","message": "Token Expired","data": null}
Missing Token."{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Token Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid Token.{"status": "false","message": "Invalid Token","data": null}
Hitting API with valid inputs when the setting "API Authentication" is set to - "Basic Auth""{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid userName Key"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Missing userName key"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Missing userName Value"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid Action key{"status": "Fail","message": "Invalid action"}
Passing Invalid Action Value{"status": "Fail","message": "Invalid action"}
Missing Action key{"status": "Fail","message": "Invalid action"}
Missing Action Value{"status": "Fail","message": "Invalid action"}
Passing Invalid UCID Key{"status": "Fail","message": "ucid should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Passing Invalid UCID Value{"status": "Error","message": "call not found"}
Missing UCID key{"status": "Fail","message": "ucid should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Missing UCID Value{"status": "Fail","message": "ucid should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Passing Invalid conferenceNumber Key{"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass valid Conference number"}
Passing Invalid Conference Number Value{"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass valid Conference number"}
Missing Conference Number key{"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass valid Conference number"}
Missing Conference Number Value{"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass valid Conference number"}
an invalid number like 12345 for the conference number{"status": "Error","message": "call not found"}
if the conference number is already in the same call{"status":"Error","message":"Number Already Found in Conference"}
if the conference number equals to same agent number{"status":"Error","message":"Number Already Found in Conference"}
Passing Invalid DID Key{"status": "Fail","message": "did should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Passing Invalid DID Value{"status": "Error","message": "call not found"}
Missing DID key{"status": "Fail","message": "did should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Missing DID Value{"status": "Fail","message": "did should not be empty and must be numeric"}
Passing Invalid agentPhoneName Key{"status": "Fail","message": "agentPhoneName should not be empty"}
Passing Invalid agentPhoneName Value{"status": "Fail","message": "Please pass valid agentPhoneName"}
Missing agentPhoneName key{"status": "Fail","message": "agentPhoneName should not be empty"}
Missing agentPhoneName Value{"status": "Fail","message": "agentPhoneName should not be empty"}
action=CONFERENCE{"status": "Success","message": "dialing","ucid": "90174967305497"}
action=HOLD{"status":"Success","message":"hold success"}
action=UNHOLD{"status":"Success","message":"Call is Un-hold successfully"}
action=MUTE{"status":"Success","message":"Call got mute successfully"}
action=UNMUTE{"status":"Success","message":"Call unmute successfull"}
action=KICK_CALL{"status": "Success","message": "call got disconnected"}
When there is no call with the provided UCID.{"status": "Error","message": "call not found"}
Re adding the same number to conference."{""status"": ""Success"",""message"": ""dialing"",
""ucid"": ""90149696880184""}"


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!