Scheduled Campaign Data (Token authentication)

Schedule Campaign Data API adds data to the dialer(Outbound campaign) at a scheduled time. Time can be scheduled by including the parameter “ScheduledTime” in the request. Data(numbers/leads) consist of mapping(Headers) sequence listing PhoneNumber, Name, Priority, ExpiryDate, etc. while adding to the dialer.

To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:

  1. Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
  2. Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
  3. With the token entered, pass the below header and body parameters:

Header parameters


Body Params (Example format)

"bulkData":{"map":["PhoneNumber","AgentID","ScheduledTime"],"data":[["%2B916301877542","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:08:00"],["8639736950","bobby","2024-09-04 17:08:00"],["%2B918639736950","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:08:00"],["8187867008","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:09:00"],["%2B916301877542","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:09:00"],["%2B916301877542","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:09:00"],["8639736950","bobby","2024-09-04 17:10:00"],["%2B918639736950","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:10:00"],["8187867008","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:10:00"],["%2B916301877542","Bobby","2024-09-04 17:11:00"]]}

Possible responses

Success response"status": "success",
"message": [{"Response": "success",
"ScheduleTime": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
"campaign_name": "Schedxxxx",
"PhoneNumber": "040XXXXX",
"Name": "NameXXX2",
"AgentID": "AgentID2XXX",
"skill": "Skill_2",
"msg": "Data updated successfully",
"index": "0"
Invalid api_key"status": "error"
"message": "api_key or campaign_name is invalid or not found"
Invalid Campaign name"status: "error"
"message": "api_key or campaign_name is invalid or not found"
Missing ScheduledTime"status": "error"
"message": "Mandatory parameter ScheduledTime is in bulkData map"
Missing bulkData"status": "error"
"message": {
"0-0": "Success response",
"0-1": ""status": "s}
Missing PhoneNumber"status": "success",
"message": {
"0-0": "Success response",
"0-1": ""status": "success",\n"message": [{"Response": "success",\n"ScheduleTime": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",\n"campaign_name": "Schedxxxx",\n"PhoneNumber": "040XXXXX",\n"Name": "NameXXX2",\n"AgentID": "AgentID2XXX",\n"skill": "Skill_2",\n"msg": "Data updated successfully",\n"index": "0"",
"1-0": "Invalid api_key",
"1-1": ""status": "error"\n"message": "api_key or campaign_name is invalid or not found"",
"2-0": "Invalid Campaign name",
"2-1": ""status: "error"\n"message": "api_key or campaign_name is invalid or not found"",
"3-0": "Missing ScheduledTime",
"3-1": ",
Invalid Date format"status": "error"
message": "Wrong Date format"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!