Agent State Summary (Basic Authentication)

This API retrieves a summary of agent(s) for your CloudAgent account.


Rate Limit:

A maximum of 5 requests per minute is allowed.



Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.

Header parameters

apiKey*Your CloudAgent account API Key

Body Params

"fromDate": "2024-11-28 13:00:00",
"toDate": "2024-11-28 13:59:59",
"userName": "xxxxx",

Possible responses

Success response"status": "success"
"message": {
Invalid apiKey"status": "error"
"message": "userName or apiKey is Invalid"
Empty apiKey"status": "error"
"message": "apiKey should not be empty"
Invalid userName"status": "error"
"message": "userName or apiKey is Invalid"
Empty userName"status": "error"
"message": "userName should not be empty"
No data is found"status": "error"
"message": "No Data Found"
Invalid Date format"status": "error"
"message": "From and To Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss Format"
If fromDate is more than toDate"status": "error"
"message": "From Date Should not be Greater than To Date"
If the requested data is for more than 30 days"status": "error"
"message": "Difference Between From and To Date should not be Greater than 30 Days"
When All modeTypes are Invalid"status": "error"
"message": "Mode Type is Invalid"
When All agentIds are Invalid"status": "error"
"message": "agentId is Invalid”
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!