This API retrieves a summary of agent(s) for your CloudAgent account.
Rate Limit:
A maximum of 5 requests per minute is allowed.
This API supports both POST and GET methods. Please use the appropriate method based on your use case for optimal functionality.
To use this API with the help of a token, follow these steps:
- Generate the Token: Use the 'Generate Token' API to obtain an authentication token.
- Enter the Token ID: Navigate to the right section of this page, under the 'AUTHORIZATION' tab. Here, input the generated token ID.
- With the token entered, pass the below header and body parameters:
Header parameters
Parameter | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Params
"fromDate": "2024-11-28 13:00:00",
"toDate": "2024-11-28 13:59:59",
"userName": "xxxxx",
Possible responses
Success response | "status": "success" |
Invalid apiKey | "status": "error" |
Empty apiKey | "status": "error" |
Invalid userName | "status": "error" |
Empty userName | "status": "error" |
No data is found | "status": "error" |
Invalid Date format | "status": "error" |
If fromDate is more than toDate | "status": "error" |
If the requested data is for more than 30 days | "status": "error" |
When All modeTypes are Invalid | "status": "error" |
When All agentIds are Invalid | "status": "error" |