post https://{domainname}/ca_apis/aht
This API calculates the average handling time for outbound calls made by a specific agent or a campaign over the last two hours.
To utilize this API, provide the following parameters. Please note that you only need to specify one parameter between 'agentId' and 'campaignName'.
Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.
To access this API the following Header and Body parameters MUST be passed.
Parameter | Description |
apiKey* | Available in CloudAgent admin login |
userName* | CloudAgent account name |
agentId | To calculate AHT of a particular agent |
campaignName | To calculate AHT of a particular campaign |
Content-Type* | application/json |
- The Rate Limit for this API is 50 Requests Per Minute.
Possible responses
Success response for Campaign | "status": "success" "message": "CampaignID": "xxxx" "CampaignName": "xxxx" "AHT": "00:00:27" |
Success response for Agent | "status": "success" "message": "AgentID": "xx" "AgentName": "xxxxxxx" "AHT":"00:02:37" |
If userName is Empty | "status": "error" "message": "userName should not be empty" |
If apiKey is Empty | "status": "error" "message": "apiKey should not be empty" |
If both agentId and campaignName is not passed | "status": "error" "message": "Both agentId and campaignName cannot be passed at a time" |
If both agentId and campaignName is passed as empty fields | "status": "error" "message": "Both agentId and campaignName cannot be empty" |
If invalid apiKey or userName is passed | "status": "error" "message": "userName or apiKey is Invalid" |
If an invalid agentId is passed while fetching for a particular agent | "status": "error" "message": "agentId is Invalid" |
If an invalid campaignName is passed while fetching for a particular Campaign | "status": "error" "message": "campaignName is Invalid" |
If the Rate Limit exceeds | "status": "error" "message": "max limit exceeded" |