Get Agent Login

This API is used to retrieve the status of the agent logged in. This gives information about the state of the agent, whether the agent is in ready, ACW, or idle state.

To access this API the following parameters MUST be passed.

api_key*Available in CloudAgent admin login
username*CloudAgent account name



Parameters with ‘*’ are to be considered mandatory parameters.

Possible responses

Success response"status": "success"
"message":: {
"0-0": "Success response",
"0-1": ""status": "success"\n"message":response",
"0-1": ""status": "success" \n"message":: { \n "0-0": "Success response", \n "0-1": "\"status\": \"success\"\\n\"message\":[{\"AgentId\": \"xxx\"\n\"AgentName\": \"xxx",
"1-0": "If userName is empty",
"1-1": ""status": "error"\n"message": "userName should not be empty"",
"2-0": "If apiKey is empty",
"2-1": ""status": "error"\n"message": "apiKey should not be empty"",
"3-0": "If userName or apiKey is invalid",
"3-1": ""status"
If userName is empty"status": "error"
"message": "userName should not be empty"
If apiKey is empty"status": "error"
"message": "apiKey should not be empty"
If userName or apiKey is invalid"status": "error"
"message": "userName or apiKey is Invalid"
If rate limit exceeds"status": "error"
"message": "only 1 hit will be allowed within a time frame of 5mins"


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!