Available Campaigns


Deprecation Update

This API will be deprecated by 30th April 2025.

We recommend to start using the new version of the APIs:

This API is used to retrieve all the information about the campaign. The information which can be retrieved are the CampaignId, Campaign name, Username, Position (whether in a ready state or not), DID, and Campaign Type. Campaign types are Inbound, Preview, Chat, IVR, Progressive, and Predictive.

To access this API the following parameters MUST be passed.

api_key*Available in Cloudagent admin login
user_name*CloudAgent user name



Parameters with ‘*’ are mandatory parameters.

Possible responses

Success response

"status": "success",
"message": [
{"CampaignID": "XXXXX",
"Campaign": "campaignname", "XXXXXX",
"UserName": "username", "XXXXXX",
"Position": "state",
"DID": "9140XXXXX",
"CampaignType": "campaignType"

Invalid apikey/username

"campaign": {}, "code": "401",
"message": "User Does not Exists.",
"status": "Error"


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is https://in1-ccaas-api.ozonetel.com. Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!