delete https://{domainname}/CAServicesV3/blockNumberGroupV2.php
Deprecation Update
This API will be deprecated by 31st Dec 2024.
We recommend to start using the new version of the Delete Block Number APIs.
This API is used to delete a phone number from a Block Number Group.
For authentication, provide your username ( Cloud Agent username ) and password ( API key associated with your account ) in the Authorization section.
Body parameters
Add all the following parameters in the BODY PARAMS section.
Parameter (new Key) | Description (new value) |
id | Block Number Group ID |
blockNumbers | Phone numbers to be deleted from the group |
Rate Limit
This API supports the deletion of up to 100 phone numbers in a single request.
Possible responses
Passing Invalid 'username' in Authorization | {"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed"} |
Passing Invalid 'password in Authorization | {"status": "error","message": "Authentication failed"} |
Passing invalid Id key parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"} |
Passing invalid Id value parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Invalid group id"} |
Passing invalid blockNumbers key parameter. | { "status": "error","message": "Parameters are mandatory"} |
Successfully deleting multiple leads in Block Number Group | "{""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""deleted"",""input"": {""id"": 1, ""blockNumbers"": [""91XX88XXX8"", ""9197XXX0XX94"",""9197XXX0XX93"", ""9197XXX0XX94"",""9197XXX0XX95""]}, ""output"": {""success"": [ ""+9191XX88XXX8"",""+9197XXX0XX94"", ""+9197XXX0XX93"",""+9197XXX0XX94"", ""+9197XXX0XX95""], ""error"": [],""deleted"": 4}}" |
Further Insights
By default, the domain name is Please refer here to change based on the need.