Average Handling Time

This API calculates the average handling time for outbound calls made by a specific agent or a campaign over the last two hours.

To utilize this API, provide the following parameters. Please note that you only need to specify one parameter between 'agentId' and 'campaignName'.

apiKey*Available in CloudAgent admin login
userName*CloudAgent account name
agentIdTo calculate AHT of a particular agent
campaignNameTo calculate AHT of a particular campaign



  • The Rate Limit for this API is 50 Requests Per Minute.

Possible responses

Success response for Campaign"status": "success"
"message": "CampaignID": "xxxx"
"CampaignName": "xxxx"
"AHT": "00:00:27"
Success response for Agent"status": "success"
"message": "AgentID": "xx"
"AgentName": "xxxxxxx"
If userName is Empty"status": "error"
"message": "userName should not be empty"
If apiKey is Empty"status": "error"
"message": "apiKey should not be empty"
If both agentId and campaignName is not passed"status": "error"
"message": "Both agentId and campaignName cannot be passed at a time"
If both agentId and campaignName is passed as empty fields"status": "error"
"message": "Both agentId and campaignName cannot be
If invalid apiKey or userName is passed"status": "error"
"message": "userName or apiKey is Invalid"
If an invalid agentId is passed while fetching for a particular agent"status": "error"
"message": "agentId is Invalid"
If an invalid campaignName is passed while fetching for a particular Campaign"status": "error"
"message": "campaignName is Invalid"
If the Rate Limit exceeds"status": "error"
"message": "max limit exceeded"


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is https://in1-ccaas-api.ozonetel.com. Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!