set/get Disposition (Basic authentication)

This API helps to set the disposition from the CRM Page, instead of setting it from the Agent Toolbar manually. Users can also use this API to ‘Pause after this call’ feature simultaneously disposing of the call.

Agents can update the disposition reason while they are still on call and save the disposition to get queued in the backend. The queued disposition will be updated as soon as the call gets disconnected. Alternatively, if the agent didn't dispose of the call during the conversation, they can still do so during the wrap-up time after the call has ended.



Make sure the admin setting 'API Authentication' is set to 'BASIC_AUTH', If you are using this API.

To access this API the following Header and Body parameters MUST be passed.

apiKey*Available in Cloudagent Admin login
Content-Type*Should be - application/json
pauseAfterDisposeThis is not mandaoty parameter, when passed "true' agent will be moved paused state after the call disconnects.​
commentsAny comments regarding the call
disposition*Disposition that needs to be updated for this call
agentID*ID of the agent who is handling that respective call
did*Number from which calls are dialed out
ucid*Unique identification number of the call that is generated in Agent toolbar
pauseReasonReason to pause the work
action*'get’ - To get the disposition list for the account
'Set’ - To set a disposition for the call
userName*Your CloudAgent username



Parameters with ‘*’ are mandatory parameters.

Possible Responses

Disposing before disconnecting the call.{"status": "Success","message": "Disposition Queued Successfully"}
Disposing after disconnecting the call."{""details"": ""Disposition saved successfully"",
""status"": ""Success""}"
Disposing of already disposed call."{""details"": ""This call is already Disposed."",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Passing Invalid apiKey Key"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid apiKey Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Missing apiKey key"{""status"": ""false"",""message"": ""Api Key Should Not be Null or Empty."",
""data"": null}"
Missing apiKey Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Passing Invalid userName Key"{""status"": ""false"",
""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "false","message": "Invalid User Details","data": null}
Missing userName key"{""status"": ""false"",
""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",""data"": null}"
Missing userName Value"{""status"": ""false"",
""message"": ""Username Should Not be Null or Empty."",""data"": null}"
Passing Invalid action Key"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Action""
Passing Invalid action Value"{""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Action""}"
Missing action key"{""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Action""}"
Missing action Value"{""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Action""}"
Passing Invalid agentID Key"{""details"": ""Invalid agent"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Passing Invalid agentID Value"{""details"": ""Invalid agent"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Missing agentID key"{""details"": ""Invalid agent"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Missing agentID Value"{""details"": ""Invalid agent"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Passing Invalid UCID Key"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid ucid""
Passing Invalid UCID Value{"details": "Invalid ucid [9012171] or did [914071327663]","status": "Fail"}
Missing UCID key"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid ucid""
Missing UCID Value"{""details"": ""Invalid ucid()"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Passing Invalid disposition Key"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Disposition""
Passing Invalid disposition Value"{""details"": ""Invalid Disposition"",
""status"": ""Fail""}"
Missing disposition key"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Disposition""
Missing disposition Value"{
""status"": ""Fail"",
""message"": ""Invalid Disposition""
PauseAfterDispose is enabled without passing pause reason{"details":"Provide pause reason","status":"Fail"}
In acw, dispose multiple times{"details":"This call is already Disposed.","status":"Fail"}
In acw, within wrap up time{"details":"Disposition saved successfully","status":"Success"} and agent status should change to IDLE
In acw, wrap up time exceeded{"details":"This call is already Disposed.","status":"Fail"}
valid ucid but mentioned agent not on the call{"details":"Agent is not on this call.","status":"Fail"}


Further Insights

By default, the domain name is Please refer here to change based on the need.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!