Add Campaign Bulk Data (New)

The Add Campaign Bulk Data (V4) API facilitates the bulk addition of data to Outbound Campaigns (Dialers). This data comprising numbers/leads is structured with mapped headers, including PhoneNumber, Name, Priority, Skill, etc, for integration into the dialer.

When you call this API multiple times, the data is stored in a queue and subsequently added to the outbound campaign in a queued manner.

The data must be entered manually following the example format below.




  • The maximum count of data to be added is 500 per request.
  • Maximum of 5 Requests allowed per minute.
  • Parameters with ‘*’ are mandatory parameters.

To access this API the following parameters MUST be passed.

apiKey*Your CloudAgent account API key. Available in your account admin login.
campaignName*Name of the campaign to which the data is to be added.
bulkData*Data to be inserted
userName*Your CloudAgent account username
actionstart - Setting the action parameter to "start" initiates the campaign as soon as the data upload process is completed. This is not a mandatory parameter.
checkDuplicate"true" - If passed true, API checks for the duplicate phone numbers and adds only the unique numbers
"false" - API doesn't check for duplicate numbers if passed false.
callBackUrlAdd the call-back URL if needed. It should be publically accessible.

Possible Responses

Success responseAPI Response:
"{""transactionId"": ""129171716445505819319510"",
""status"": ""success"",
""message"": ""queued successfully""}

Callback response:
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Success",
"message": "File Successfully uploaded.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Note: See here for the sample data response.
Passing Invalid apiKey Value{"status": "error","message": "Invalid userName or apiKey"}
Missing apiKey Value / Passing Invalid apiKey Key / Missing apiKey key{"status": "error","message": "apiKey should not be empty"}
Passing Invalid userName Value{"status": "error","message": "Invalid userName or apiKey"}
Missing userName Value / Passing Invalid userName Key / Missing userName key{"status": "error","message": "userName should not be empty"}
Passing Invalid CampaignName Key{"status": "error","message": "campaignName should not be empty"}
Passing Invalid CampaignName Value{"status": "error","message": "Invalid Campaign Name"}
Missing Campaign Name Key / Missing Campaign Name Value{"status": "error","message": "campaignName should not be empty"}
Passing Invalid bulkData Key"{
""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""
Passing Invalid bulkData Value"{
""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""
Missing bulkData Key"{
""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""
Missing bulkData Value"{
""status"": ""failure"",
""message"": ""Please provide valid data""
word PhoneNumber missing in bulk data map field value"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""1292017169670681719733108"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"
If data is not as per map fields"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""129861716888265726411532"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx ",
"transactionId": "129861716888265726411532",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"
Adding data to inbound campaign{"status": "error","message": "Invalid Campaign Name"}
If the campaign-mapped file and API-mapped file not matching"API Response : {""transactionId"": ""129861716888265726411532"",
""status"": ""success"",""message"": ""queued successfully""}

CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "129861716888265726411532",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"
More than 5 hits per minute.{"status": "error","message": "too many Requests and failed to add Data to queue"}
Callback Url response for successful case of leads upload.{
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Success",
"message": "File Successfully uploaded.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"
Callback Url response for a failed case of leads upload.CallBack response :
"data": {
"totalNoUploaded": "xxxx",
"numbersProcessed": "xxxx",
"numbersNotProcessed": "xx",
"failedFilePath": " xxxx " ,
"transactionId": "1292017169670681719733108",
"status": "Fail",
"message": "File Failed to Upload.",
"startDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:47:56",
"endDateTime": "2024-05-29 12:48:19"

Sample response with failed file path:

Please note that the failed file path is a pre-signed URL, valid for 24 hours.


{"data":"{"totalNoUploaded":"6","numbersProcessed":"2","numbersNotProcessed":"4","failedFilePath":"", "transactionId":"172067852912917131638630","status":"Success","message":"File Successfully uploaded.","startDateTime":"2024-07-11 11:45:29","endDateTime":"2024-07-11 11:45:54"}"}

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!